the journey of a writer, its quite something isnt it?
if youre a writer, you understand.
if not, you still understand.
because its the same journey. in different form, in different shape, in different play. but its all the same.
when the desire is first born within the heart. it opens and expands your heart doesnt it. you feel free. you feel light. you feel excited. you feel inspired. you feel - alive.
thats because, its a true heart and soul desire.
the dream only you can dream.
because is true.
you are a unique essense born into this world with a unique gift and a unique message and a unique life path with a unique contribution to yourself and the world. we are all tied, tied deeper than blood but by spirit. in this way and in this sense, we are all one.
then you know, martin luthers quote, i dream a dream and also evil only persists bc good men do nothing. you are of the light my sweet, which means, because you exist, there is simply more light in this world. and by honoring your emotions, your life, your love, there is simply more light more grace and more presnes. simply more heart.
this is the power of love.
this is the power of you.
this is the power of heaven that breathes through you.
now, when a dream gets born within, after the happy phase, then we must confront our reality because generally it is a large contrast with reality. it almost feels like an ocean away, an impossibility, let alone the identity we must embrace. that yes, i am a writer, that yes, i am love, that yes, i am light, that yes, i am powerful beyond measure.
or, that yes, i am a baseball player,
that yes, i am a playwright.
that yes, i am a beauty consultant.
i am that.
well you are.
and that begins the journey of self discovery through the desire that was sincerely born in your heart dearest. and as we honor this calling, then - it is all done.
it doesnt mean this dream is the be all and end all. but every dream leads you to the next. to the next level of your, the next level of your understanding, the next level of expression, self expression, and love. the next great dream.
you are ever constantly unfolding.
and that is the bliss of what is.
that is how big you are.
that is how beautiful you are.
will you not honor this?
will you not honor your heart.
will you not honor you?
yes you will.
we know you will.
for love must honor love.
it is the way of things.
we may resist in the beginning,
but love always wins.
and you are victorious.
hold your vision.
honor your vision.
have faith in your vision.
all is as it should
for it is all already done.